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Hi, I have just read about your journal and also posted something about it in my blog. I wonder how I can contribute here. I have lots of research questions in my mind which I will never investigate due to lack of time or because I am no psychologist. What I would like to see on your site is some sort of searchable repository of unanswered research questions, where researchers can comment and leave links or literature references if they have found something relevant. So, this could become a repository of potential topics for bachelor, master or PhD theses.
Best regards,
Andrea Herrmann
Dear Andrea,
thank you for your input. You are more than welcome to contribute to our journal by sending us your scientific article, or even join our team of editors. In response to your wish for a repository, there is the possibility to go through all articles separately via the menu. Since each article has its own blog post, you can leave your relevant links or literature references directly as a comment to that post.