Wolter Seuntjens, Dutch Academy of ‘Pataphysics, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Journal of Unsolved Questions, 2, 2, Open Questions, 4, 2012 (Received 05.02.2012, accepted 27.03.2012, published online 31.03.2012)
In the German language, when referring to an artistic representation of a naked human body, the noun ‘Akt’
is employed. This word was not always used to denote such an artistic representation. The combination of
questions – (1) when, (2) where, (3) by whom, and (4) why was the noun ‘Akt’ first used in this particular
meaning – was the starting point of my quest. This article chronicles the inception of the problem and the
vain attempts to solve it. In short, it is the story of the ‘null result’ of ‘Akt’ research, so far.
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