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The Paleolithic diet

The Paleolithic diet is a modern nutritional approach based on what presumably ancient humans were eating in the Paleolithic era, before the development of agriculture.

The diet is based on the consumption of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, vegetables, fruits, roots and nuts (basically anything that could be gathered by the pre-historical Man) and excludes grains, legumes, dairy, salt, refined sugar or processed oils.

These nutritional concepts have been adopted by many, under the premise that modern humans are not genetically adapted to the foods consumed nowadays and therefore this caveman diet can better fit the human needs improving health and avoiding the modern man diseases.

Nevertheless very few significant studies have come out that support this theory. Many dietitians also suggest that the restrictions of this type of diet might even impose health risk for the modern human.

Would humanity be willing to rethink their diet and food production methods if health benefits could come out of it?

Rute Andre

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