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Which new prospects for an efficient prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases could be gained by a systemic examination of the cardiovascular system?

U.B. Lushchyk, V.V. Novytskyy

Clinical Hospital “Feofaniya” and Institutes for Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Journal of Unsolved Questions, 1, 2, Open Questions, 8-9, 2011 (Received March 29th 2011, published online May 8th 2011)

The cardiovascular system (CVS) is an essential component in  human health, as the background level of functioning of nearly all organs and systems depends on the blood supply level. It is of a very complicated dynamic mechanism by a type of the closed system of connecting vessels with variable parameters in all its structural segments – heart, vascular walls, as well as intravascular fluid – blood.

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Keywords: cardiovascular system, cardiovascular diseases, hydrohemodynamic laws, Non-Newton liquid